A session of Thunderrealm Island is made up of four or five segments of play, each of which contains a quest and a regrouping phase.

At the beginning of a session, the avatars are grouped at the Nexus, where they can interact with avatars from other guilds, make use of resources, and prepare for their quests.

Five minutes before a quest phase begins, guilds gain access to the area map, and can make decisions about which location they want to travel to during the quest phase. Guilds are assigned their selection order randomly, but may receive rewards during play that allow them to change this order.

If a guild selects a location that has already been selected for this quest phase, they are moved to the bottom of the selection order and must select a different location.

When the quest phase begins, guilds travel to their chosen location and attempt to complete the quest there. If they succeed, they receive their reward and return to the Nexus. If they fail and there is still time remaining in this quest phase, they may try again, although most quests will have limits on the number of attempts that can be made. Some class and guild abilities can affect the number of attempts that can be made.

Some guild and class abilities can be employed during combat quests; others can be used after an NPC delivers the quest introduction, but before the quest activity begins.

At the beginning of a regroup phase, all guilds return to the Nexus point. During a regroup phase, avatars can visit a resource location, a Location of Interest, and interact with other avatars and NPCs.

Resource Collection

As well as collecting resources by succeeding at some quests, there are also points on the map that your guild can visit in regroup phases. Each avatar that visits a resource collection point draws two cards from the deck of resources and must take one of those two. An avatar is limited to one resource per regroup phase, unless they have a race or class ability that changes this.

In order to craft an item, an avatar needs a recipe, access to a forge, cooking pot, or potions set, and the resources listed in the recipe. All required resources must be either in the avatar’s inventory or in a single chest. Crafting an item takes ten minutes of uninterrupted crafting, unless the avatar has a relevant race or class ability.

If your inventory is full, you can trade items with other avatars or suitable NPCs, place resources in a chest, or discard items from your inventory.